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Module Code: POU44603

Module Name: Contemporary Political Theory A 2024-25

  • ECTS Weighting: 5
  • Semester/Term Taught: Semester  1
  • Contact Hours: TBC
  • Module Personnel Dr.Tadhg Ó Laoghaire
  • Office Hours: TBC

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this module, it is expected that students should be able to:

  • Describe and critically analyze the relationship between different notions of justice, markets, and democracy
  • Understand and formulate how different political traditions including republicanism, socialism, and liberalism understand the relationship between the three
  • Identify how philosophical differences regarding these concepts can be seen to underlie contemporary political debates
  • Develop reasoned arguments about current events grounded in theoretical understandings of justice, democracy, and markets

Module learning aims

This module will introduce students to contemporary debates in political theory, with a particular focus on the relationship between justice, markets, and democracy.

Module content

Topics to be covered may include the nature of equality, conflicting views on democracy, the political nature of corporate power, and the moral merits of the market.

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Recommended Reading List-TBC

Assessment details(TBC)

3 Short Papers: 45% (15% each)

Final Paper: 55%

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